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1 - 50 of 500k+
Top Plasma Datasets and Models
The datasets below can be used to train fine-tuned models for plasma detection. You can explore each dataset in your browser using Roboflow and export the dataset into one of many formats.
At the bottom of this page, we have guides on how to train a model using the plasma datasets below.
235 images 400 classes 1 model
235 images 400 classes 2 models
83 images 340 classes
1% green Taego solution 1% of Taegoji per Dong 10 milligrams of Gujuroratadin 10% Taegoji per Dong. 100 decarbon tablets 100 milligrams of Guruchi On 100 milligrams of Newspirinjang Yongjeong 100 milligrams of Nowonjiljwa 100 tablets of D.O.BON 100mg of Kwangdong aspirin intestines 100mg of prestigious aspirin intestines 150 milligrams of ranidonjeong 200 milligrams of muteran capsule (acetylcysteine) 200 milligrams of nukomit capsule 250 milligrams of Dichronic 300 milligrams of DeckVen 300 milligrams of Defrofenjeong 300 milligrams of Dextronjeong 300 tablets of decarbon 400 milligrams of Narpen
891 images 128 classes 1 model
86 images 6 classes 2 models
90 images 20 classes 1 model
891 images 130 classes
893 images 127 classes 1 model
96 images 21 classes
Actin-filaments Aggresome Centrosome Cytosol Endoplasmic-reticulum Golgi-apparatus Intermediate-filaments Microtubules Mitochondria Mitotic-spindle Negative Nuclear-bodies Nuclear-membrane Nuclear-speckles Nuclearmembrane Nucleoli Nucleoli-fibrillar-center Nucleolifibrillar Nucleoplasm Plasma-membrane
1.5k images 6 classes
4.5k images 7 classes
891 images 128 classes
1 - 50 of 500k+