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1 - 50 of 500k+
Top Joshua Datasets and Models
The datasets below can be used to train fine-tuned models for joshua detection. You can explore each dataset in your browser using Roboflow and export the dataset into one of many formats.
At the bottom of this page, we have guides on how to train a model using the joshua datasets below.
1.1k images 77 classes
795 images 40 classes
Aljun Almuete Angeli Lupiba Angelo Villas Arah-Mae Orillos Carl Lester Mejorada Carlo Cabuga Charlene Gulayan Chery Jane Castañares Chester Dumayac Christene Lamoste Denvher Saladores Elmira Hope Recitas Eric Barace Erl Christian Roxas Francis Caboverde Gennybel Oracion Harvey Barace Jenny Barquilla Jessel Catampongan Joenie Rebusora
95 images 65 classes
400 images 20 classes 1 model
Aljun Almuete Carlo Cabuga Chery Jane Castanares Eric Barace Erl Christian Roxas Francis Caboverde Harvey Barace Jenny Barquilla Jessel Cantampongan Joenie Rebusora Joshua Cacho Juvy Villarubia Mark Anthony Ohendras Mechelle Cubio Melvin Lew Reboldad Monique Namang Rizaldo Balajula Shaira Jane Castro Sheila Atabelo Victor Kim Naquila
25 images 25 classes
Adam Pradana Arkaan Maulana Asyira Andhini Luna Bagas Dimas Nanda Pratama Dlovan Ferdiansyah Eden Mahatma Dewanta Firman Kurniawan Florentinus Herwanda Wibawa Gilang Akbar Romadhoni Husain Syarif Abdullah Husin Irfan Septianto Laely Syafitri Mahjid Herlambang Maulana Surya Aji Pratama Moh Harysakti Rahanyamtel Muhammad Arif Bimantara Nabela Yulian Anggraini Nazwa Asyifa
26 images 26 classes
Adam Pradana Arkaan Maulana Asyira Andhini Luna Bagas Dimas Nanda Dlovan Ferdiansyah Eden Mahatma Fadhil Firman Kurniawan Florentinus Herwanda Wibawa Gilang Akbar Romadhoni Husain Syarif Abdullah Husin Irfan Septianto Joshua Lisa Mahjid Herlambang Maulana Surya Moh Harysakti Rahanyamtel Muhammad Arif Bimantara
90 images 9 classes 2 models
100 images 9 classes 1 model
1 - 50 of 500k+