Related Objects of Interest: crack , spalling , bulging , scratch , bowl shaped pothole , delamination pothole , edge break pothole , punch out pothole , spalling pothole , corrosion
Top Delamination Datasets and Models
The datasets below can be used to train fine-tuned models for delamination detection. You can explore each dataset in your browser using Roboflow and export the dataset into one of many formats.
At the bottom of this page, we have guides on how to train a model using the delamination datasets below.
9.9k images 15 classes 1 model
人手孔高差-(Manhole-and-Handhole-Height-Difference) 冒油-(Oil-Bleeding) 剝落-(Delamination) 坑洞-(Potholes) 塊狀裂縫-(Block-Cracking) 推擠-(Shoving) 橫/縱向裂縫-(Transverse/Longitudinal-Cracking) 波浪型鋪面-(Corrugation) 滑溜裂縫-(Slippery-Cracks) 薄層剝離-(Thin-Layer-Stripping) 補綻-(Patch-Distress) 車轍-(Ruts) 車道與路肩分離-(Separation-of-Lane-and-Shoulder) 隆起與凹陷-(Bumps-and-Sags) 鱷魚狀裂縫-(Alligator-Cracking)
9.9k images 15 classes
人手孔高差-(Manhole-and-Handhole-Height-Difference) 冒油-(Oil-Bleeding) 剝落-(Delamination) 坑洞-(Potholes) 塊狀裂縫-(Block-Cracking) 推擠-(Shoving) 橫/縱向裂縫-(Transverse/Longitudinal-Cracking) 波浪型鋪面-(Corrugation) 滑溜裂縫-(Slippery-Cracks) 薄層剝離-(Thin-Layer-Stripping) 補綻-(Patch-Distress) 車轍-(Ruts) 車道與路肩分離-(Separation-of-Lane-and-Shoulder) 隆起與凹陷-(Bumps-and-Sags) 鱷魚狀裂縫-(Alligator-Cracking)
2.1k images 5 classes 1 model
600 images 11 classes
64 images 11 classes
1k images 2 classes 1 model
348 images 5 classes 1 model
2.9k images 6 classes
208 images 8 classes 1 model
575 images 14 classes
460 images 11 classes
268 images 7 classes
445 images 2 classes 1 model
103 images 5 classes
1k images 5 classes 1 model
52 images 5 classes