Related Objects of Interest: jumping , running , standing , walking , crawling , black and brown camouflage helicopter , black and orange drone , black and white cargo aircraft , black and white commercial aircraft , black and white missile
1 - 50 of 500k+
Top Camouflage Datasets and Models
The datasets below can be used to train fine-tuned models for camouflage detection. You can explore each dataset in your browser using Roboflow and export the dataset into one of many formats.
At the bottom of this page, we have guides on how to train a model using the camouflage datasets below.
157 images 10 classes 1 model
5k images 126 classes
black and brown camouflage helicopter black and orange drone black and white cargo aircraft black and white commercial aircraft black and white missile black and yellow drone black and yellow missile black camouflage fighter jet black cargo aircraft black drone black fighter jet black fighter plane black helicopter blue and green fighter plane blue and grey fighter jet blue and red commercial aircraft blue and red light aircraft blue and white commercial aircraft blue and white helicopter blue and white light aircraft
1.4k images 11 classes 2 models
136 images 28 classes 2 models
37 images 7 classes
101 images 125 classes
0 red and white fighter plane 1 yellow commercial aircraft 10 white, red, and green fighter plane 100 white and red light aircraft 101 orange and black fighter jet 102 blue and grey fighter jet 103 black fighter jet 104 red fighter jet 105 white and blue commercial aircraft 106 grey and black fighter plane 107 blue camouflage fighter jet 108 red and white helicopter 109 yellow and black fighter plane 11 white helicopter 110 white, red, and blue commercial aircraft 111 red and white missile 112 silver and blue fighter plane 113 blue and yellow helicopter 114 yellow and red light aircraft 115 green light aircraft
2.6k images 126 classes
black and brown camouflage helicopter black and orange drone black and white cargo aircraft black and white commercial aircraft black and white missile black and yellow drone black and yellow missile black camouflage fighter jet black cargo aircraft black drone black fighter jet black fighter plane black helicopter blue and green fighter plane blue and grey fighter jet blue and red commercial aircraft blue and red light aircraft blue and white commercial aircraft blue and white helicopter blue and white light aircraft
5.2k images 140 classes 1 model
black and brown camouflage helicopter black and orange drone black and white cargo aircraft black and white commercial aircraft black and white missile black and yellow drone black and yellow missile black camouflage fighter jet black cargo aircraft black drone black fighter jet black fighter plane black helicopter blue and green fighter plane blue and grey fighter jet blue and red commercial aircraft blue and red light aircraft blue and white commercial aircraft blue and white helicopter blue and white light aircraft
6.3k images 130 classes
bird black and brown camouflage helicopter black and orange drone black and white cargo aircraft black and white commercial aircraft black and white drone black and white missile black and yellow drone black and yellow missile black camouflage fighter jet black cargo aircraft black drone black fighter jet black fighter plane black helicopter blimp blue and green fighter plane blue and grey fighter jet blue and red commercial aircraft blue and red light aircraft
5k images 126 classes 1 model
black and brown camouflage helicopter black and orange drone black and white cargo aircraft black and white commercial aircraft black and white missile black and yellow drone black and yellow missile black camouflage fighter jet black cargo aircraft black drone black fighter jet black fighter plane black helicopter blue and green fighter plane blue and grey fighter jet blue and red commercial aircraft blue and red light aircraft blue and white commercial aircraft blue and white helicopter blue and white light aircraft
54 images 9 classes
2.1k images 254 classes 1 model
2.1k images 277 classes 1 model
number signature 1.57_giant_size After_the_Party Albert_Einstein_229 Annunciation 320 Annunciation 321 Annunciation 322 Annunciation 323 Apple Banana_CA Beethoven_390 Beethoven_391 Beethoven_392 Beethoven_393 Birth_of_Venus_316 Birth_of_Venus_317 Birth_of_Venus_318 Birth_of_Venus_319 Black_Lenin_402
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