Related Objects of Interest: stop , slippery road , no entry , parking , no parking , pedestrian crossing , roundabout , give way , keep left , turn left
2k images 1882 classes
bicycle building debris dustbin motorcycle scooter skateboard stop sign traffic light trailer tree umbrella 100kph speed limit 100kph speed limit sign 40kph speed limit for trucks and buses sign 40kph speed limit sign 50kph speed limit sign 50mph speed limit sign 60kph speed limit sign 70kph speed limit for all other vehicles sign
2k images 1882 classes
bicycle building debris dustbin motorcycle scooter skateboard stop sign traffic light trailer tree umbrella 100kph speed limit 100kph speed limit sign 40kph speed limit for trucks and buses sign 40kph speed limit sign 50kph speed limit sign 50mph speed limit sign 60kph speed limit sign 70kph speed limit for all other vehicles sign
3.3k images 30 classes 1 model
Dog ahead at Door ahead at Table ahead at auto ahead at barrier ahead at bench ahead at bicycle ahead at bus ahead at car ahead at cattle ahead at chair ahead at dustbin ahead at electric pole ahead at footpath on fridge ahead at gate ahead at motorcycle ahead at pathole ahead at person ahead at pillar ahead at
938 images 131 classes 1 model
3.7k images 26 classes
Children Crosswalk End-of-the-zone-of-all-restrictions Give-Way Main-road Maximum-speed-limit Men-at-work Movement-Prohibition Movement-left Movement-right Movement-straight Movement-straight-or-left Movement-straight-or-right Movement-straight-prohibited No-entry No-parking Overtaking-prohibited Parking Roundabout-Circulation STOP-sign
9.4k images 60 classes 5 models
No image augmentation techniques were applied. SIGN-LANGUAGE are annotated in YOLOv8 format. The dataset includes 6049 images. This dataset was exported via roboflow This dataset was exported via roboflow.com on December 4, 2023 at 5:01 PM GMT ako anim apat aral ate backspace backspace_fail_bro basa dalawa duktor hello hinto i love you ikaw inom
600 images 54 classes 1 model
1.6k images 65 classes
142 images 79 classes 1 model
Ahead only Autotoll booth Autotoll traffic lane Bicycle / tricycle route Cross-harbour taxi stand, used with Sign 82 Cycling restriction - cyclists must dismount and push their cycles End of New Territories taxis operating area End of an expressway End of bus lane End of cycling restriction End of the prohibition, restriction or warning End of ʻno stoppingʼ restriction Give way to traffic on major road Green minibus stand Keep left Keep right Lantau taxi stand, used with Sign 82 Left lane shows bus lane for franchised and other buses during the time shown Left lane shows bus lane for franchised buses only during the time shown Length over which the prohibition or hazard exists
1.6k images 38 classes
Ahead-Left Ahead-Right Cattle Compulsory Ahead Compulsory Cycle Track Compulsory Keep Left Compulsory Keep Right Compulsory Left Turn Compulsory Right Turn Compulsory right turn ahead Compulsory turn left ahead Cycle Crossing Give way Height limit Humpy Road Left hair pin bend Left hand curve Left turn prohibited Men at work Narrow road ahead
1.4k images 74 classes
Ahead-Left Ahead-Left Ahead-Right Ahead-Right Cattle Compulsory Ahead Compulsory Ahead Compulsory Cycle Track Compulsory Keep Left Compulsory Keep Left Compulsory Keep Right Compulsory Keep Right Compulsory Left Turn Compulsory Left Turn Compulsory Right Turn Compulsory Right Turn Compulsory right turn ahead Compulsory right turn ahead Compulsory turn left ahead Compulsory turn left ahead
7k images 78 classes 1 model
green person red yellow Ahead-Left Ahead-Left Ahead-Right Ahead-Right Cattle Compulsory Ahead Compulsory Ahead Compulsory Cycle Track Compulsory Keep Left Compulsory Keep Left Compulsory Keep Right Compulsory Keep Right Compulsory Left Turn Compulsory Left Turn Compulsory Right Turn Compulsory Right Turn
1.1k images 44 classes 2 models
crosswalk sign slippery road stop EDS animal crossing attention beware of ice bumpy road dangerous curve both left dangerous curve both right dangerous curve to the left dangerous curve to the right dangerous curves to the left end ofno passing entry from right to main road go from both sides go straight and lrft go straight and right keep left