Related Objects of Interest: brown spot , citrus black spot , citrus greasy spot , citrus scab , greening , healthy , leprosis , orange scab , psorosis , sooty mold
1 - 50 of 500k+
425 images 17 classes
7.5k images 33 classes
3.4k images 52 classes
722 images 14 classes 1 model
793 images 16 classes 1 model
38 images 38 classes
Apple - Black Rot Apple - Healthy Apple - Rust Apple - Scab Bell Pepper - Bacterial Spot Bell Pepper - Healthy Blueberry - Healthy Cherry - Healthy Cherry - Powdery Mildew Corn - Common Rust Corn - Gray Leaf Spot Corn - Healthy Corn - Northern Leaf Blight Grape - Black Measles Grape - Black Rot Grape - Healthy Grape - Leaf Blight Orange - Citrus Greening Peach - Bacterial Spot Peach - Early Blight
7.7k images 39 classes
Apple - Black Rot Apple - Cedar - Apple Rust Apple - Healthy Apple - Rust Apple - Scab Bell Pepper - Bacterial Spot Bell Pepper - Healthy Blueberry - Healthy Cherry - Healthy Cherry - Powdery Mildew Corn - Common Rust Corn - Gray Leaf Spot Corn - Healthy Corn - Northern Leaf Blight Grape - Black Measles Grape - Black Rot Grape - Healthy Grape - Leaf Blight Orange - Citrus Greening Peach - Bacterial Spot
10k images 41 classes
apple black rot apple healthy apple scab bell pepper bacterial spot bell pepper healthy cassava Brown Streak Disease cassava bacterial blight cassava green mottle cedar apple rust cherry healthy cherry powdery mildew corn cerespora leaf spot corn common rust corn healthy grape black rot grape esca grape healthy grape leaf blight healthy cassava mosaic cassava
1 - 50 of 500k+