Related Objects of Interest: stop , falling rocks , loose gravel , no entry , no parking , slippery road , cross road , gap in median , narrow road ahead , right reverse bend
1 - 50 of 500k+
64 images 67 classes 1 model
road Alligator-Cracking Barrier-Ahead Compulsory-Ahead Compulsory-Ahead-Or-Turn-Left Compulsory-Ahead-Or-Turn-Right Compulsory-Bus-Stop Compulsory-Cycle-Track Compulsory-Keep-Left Compulsory-Sound-Horn Compulsory-Turn-Left Compulsory-Turn-Right Cross-Road Cycle-Crossing Cycle-Prohibited Give-Way Guarded-Level-Crossing Height-Limit Horn-Prohibited Left-Hair-Band
938 images 131 classes 1 model
4.4k images 75 classes 1 model
no entry no parking pedestrian crossing roundabout slippery road stop traffic signal all motor vehicle prohibited axle load limit bullock cart and hand cart prohibited cattle ahead chevron direction compulsary ahead compulsary ahead or turn left compulsary ahead or turn right compulsary keep left compulsary keep right compulsary sound horn compulsary turn left ahead compulsary turn right ahead
2.1k images 6 classes 2 models
4.5k images 58 classes 2 models
no entry no parking pedestrian crossing roundabout slippery road stop all motor vehicle prohibited all-motor-vehicles-prohibited axle load limit compulsary ahead compulsary keep left compulsary keep right compulsary turn left ahead compulsary turn right ahead cross road dangerous dip falling rocks gap in median give way guarded level crossing
2.1k images 6 classes 1 model
10k images 78 classes 1 model
no entry no parking pedestrian crossing roundabout slippery road stop traffic signal Lane-Lines all motor vehicle prohibited axle load limit bullock cart and hand cart prohibited cattle ahead chevron direction compulsary ahead compulsary ahead or turn left compulsary ahead or turn right compulsary keep left compulsary keep right compulsary sound horn compulsary turn left ahead
9.3k images 78 classes 4 models
no entry no parking pedestrian crossing roundabout slippery road stop traffic signal Lane-Lines all motor vehicle prohibited axle load limit bullock cart and hand cart prohibited cattle ahead chevron direction compulsary ahead compulsary ahead or turn left compulsary ahead or turn right compulsary keep left compulsary keep right compulsary sound horn compulsary turn left ahead
3.5k images 56 classes 1 model
no entry no parking pedestrian crossing roundabout slippery road stop all motor vehicle prohibited axle load limit compulsary ahead compulsary keep left compulsary keep right compulsary turn left ahead compulsary turn right ahead cross road dangerous dip falling rocks gap in median give way guarded level crossing height limit
6.9k images 78 classes 2 models
green no entry no parking pedestrian crossing red roundabout slippery road stop traffic signal yellow all motor vehicle prohibited axle load limit bullock cart and hand cart prohibited cattle ahead chevron direction compulsary ahead compulsary ahead or turn left compulsary ahead or turn right compulsary keep left compulsary keep right
1 - 50 of 500k+