Related Objects of Interest: stop , traffic-sign , no entry , no stopping , slippery road , speed limit 30 , speed limit 60 , yield , road work , speed limit 50
Top Traffic Datasets and Models
The datasets below can be used to train fine-tuned models for traffic detection. You can explore each dataset in your browser using Roboflow and export the dataset into one of many formats.
At the bottom of this page, we have guides on how to train a model using the traffic datasets below.
5.2k images 45 classes
665 images 14 classes 2 models
Bus-Stop Children-Present-or-Crossing-Ahead Double-Bend-to-Left-Ahead Double-Bend-to-Right-Ahead Left-Bend-Ahead Narrow-Bridge-or-Culvert-Ahead Pedestrian-Crossing Pedestrian-Crossing-Ahead Right-Bend-Ahead Stop Stop-Ahead T-Junction-Ahead Traffic-From-Left-Merges-Ahead Traffic-From-Right-Merges-Ahead
43 images 50 classes
roundabout stop bicycle-crossing children curve-left curve-right do-not-enter double-curve-left end-of-all-restrictions end-of-no-passing-zone end-of-no-passing-zone-weight-over-3 end-of-no-passing-zone-weight-over-3.5-tons end-of-speed-limit-80 general-danger german-traffic-signs go-straight-or-turn-left go-straight-or-turn-right must-continue-straight must-turn-left must-turn-right
344 images 40 classes
Ahead only Beware of ice-snow Bicycles crossing Bumpy road Children crossing Dangerous curve to the left Dangerous curve to the right Double curve End of all speed and passing limits End of no passing End of no passing by vechiles over 3-5 metric tons End of speed limit (80km-h) General caution Go straight or left Go straight or right Keep left Keep right No entry No passing No passing for vechiles over 3-5 metric tons
1.2k images 33 classes
stop 120 Lane-Ends-Merge-Right Lane-Ends-Merge-left NG Traffic-sign animals-attention child-attention driving-in-left-edge driving-in-right-edge driving-straight go-around-the-roundabout narrow-road right-edge-narrow road-hump road-humps road-users-attention speed-limit-(100km/h) speed-limit-(120km/h) speed-limit-(20km/h)
2k images 43 classes 1 model
Ahead only Beware of ice/snow Bicycles Crossing Bumpy Road Children Crossing Double curve End of all speed and passing limits End of no passing End of no passing by vehicles over 3.5 metric tons End of speed limit (80km/h) General caution Go straight or left Go straight or right Keep left Keep right Left curve No entry No passing No passing for vehicles over 3.5 metric tons No vehicles
9.9k images 13 classes 3 models
6.6k images 36 classes 1 model
3.5k images 40 classes
3.3k images 39 classes
3.3k images 40 classes
2.9k images 26 classes
2.9k images 26 classes
874 images 7 classes 1 model
3.7k images 70 classes
green light red light slippery road stop sign traffic light Green person light Red person light aeroport sign both direction road sign both side road narrow bump sign cattle crossing sign children crosswalk sign cliff road sign cycle crossing sign double curve left to right sign double curve right to left sign down road sign end of minimum speed limit: 30 falling rocks sign
208 images 4 classes 1 model
1.8k images 36 classes