Related Objects of Interest: healthy , leaf spot , brown spot , corn gray leaf spot , tomato early blight leaf , tomato septoria leaf spot , bacterial spot , mosaic-virus , bacterial leaf blight , corn-leaf-spot
Top Leaf Spot Datasets and Models
The datasets below can be used to train fine-tuned models for leaf spot detection. You can explore each dataset in your browser using Roboflow and export the dataset into one of many formats.
At the bottom of this page, we have guides on how to train a model using the leaf spot datasets below.
1.1k images 17 classes
grape leaf Apple Scab Leaf Apple leaf Apple rust leaf Bell_pepper leaf Bell_pepper leaf spot Blueberry leaf Cherry leaf Corn Gray leaf spot Corn leaf blight Tomato Early blight leaf Tomato Septoria leaf spot Tomato leaf mosaic virus Tomato leaf yellow virus Tomato mold leaf Unlabeled grape leaf black rot
2.2k images 29 classes
grape leaf Apple Scab Leaf Apple leaf Apple rust leaf Bell_pepper leaf Bell_pepper leaf spot Blueberry leaf Cherry leaf Corn Gray leaf spot Corn leaf blight Corn rust leaf Peach leaf Potato leaf Potato leaf early blight Potato leaf late blight Raspberry leaf Soyabean leaf Squash Powdery mildew leaf Strawberry leaf Tomato Early blight leaf
866 images 5 classes
604 images 4 classes 3 models
554 images 15 classes 1 model
tomato-leaf-Early-Blight tomato-leaf-Gray-Leaf-Spot tomatoAlternaria Canker tomatoBacterial Canker tomatoBacterialSpot tomatoBacterialwilt tomatoCucumberMosaicVirus tomatoFusariumwilt tomatoPowdery Mildew tomatoSpottedWilt tomatobeetarmyworm tomatoleaf curl tomatoleafminerdamageDampingOff tomatophosphorosdeficiency tomatosalt damage
4k images 7 classes 1 model
1.8k images 24 classes 1 model
grape leaf Apple Scab Leaf Apple leaf Apple rust leaf Bell_pepper leaf spot Blueberry leaf Cherry leaf Corn Gray leaf spot Corn leaf blight Corn rust leaf Peach leaf Potato leaf Potato leaf early blight Potato leaf late blight Raspberry leaf Soyabean leaf Soybean leaf Squash Powdery mildew leaf Strawberry leaf Tomato Early blight leaf
1.1k images 18 classes
Brack Thrips-Leafs Collectotrichum spp Leaf Spot-Leafs Leaf-Curling Leaf-Healthy Leveillula taurica(Budiha tegulu-Leaf) Mozaik-Leaf Pest-(Asphondylia capsici) Pest-(Helicoverpa armigera)-Kaya toluchu purugu Pest-(Myzus persicae) Pest-(Phenacoccus solenopsis)-Pendi Nalli Pest-(Spodoptera exigua) Pest-(Spodoptera litura) Pest-Black Thrips Pest-Red Mites Pest-White Fly Red Mites leafs White Fly-Leafs
419 images 4 classes 1 model
1.4k images 18 classes
Black Thrips-Leafs Collectotrichum spp Curling-Leafs Healthy-Leafs Leaf Spot-Leafs Leveillula taurica-Leafs Mozaik Leaf Pest-(Asphondylia capsici) Pest-(Helicoverpa armigera) Pest-(Myzus persicae) Pest-(Phenacoccus solenopsis) Pest-(Spodoptera exigua) Pest-(Spodoptera litura) Pest-Black Thrips Pest-Red Mites Pest-White Fly Red Mites- Leafs Whte Fly-Leafs
2.7k images 7 classes
1.4k images 4 classes 2 models
1.4k images 31 classes
apple apple_apple scab apple_black rot apple_cedar apple rust apple_healthy black pepper_bacterial spot black pepper_healthy cherry_healthy cherry_powdery mildew corn_Cercospora Leaf Spot corn_Common Rust corn_Northern Leaf Blight corn_healthy grape_Esca (Black Measles) grape_Leaf Blight grape_black rot grape_healthy peach_Bacterial Spot peach_healthy potato_Early Blight
156 images 5 classes 1 model