Related Objects of Interest: bottle , egg carton , orange , cigarette , curling_iron , knife , normal_lighter , wine_opener , ball , aerosol
Top Tube Datasets and Models
The datasets below can be used to train fine-tuned models for tube detection. You can explore each dataset in your browser using Roboflow and export the dataset into one of many formats.
At the bottom of this page, we have guides on how to train a model using the tube datasets below.
745 images 10 classes
1.5k images 65 classes
1.5k images 59 classes 1 model
323 images 2 classes 2 models
100 images 17 classes
glass tubing iron clip large beaker(wasted solution) limestone nipper reagent bottle oblique(colorless solution) reagent bottle(colorless solution) rubber hose rubber plug small beaker(colorless solution) test tube rack test tube(colorless solution) test tube(empty) test tube(limestone) test tube(muddy solution) test tube(reaction) test tube(widthwise)
2.2k images 39 classes 1 model
Alexander periosteotome Alm retractor Army navy retractor Atraumatic vascular clamp Balfour abdominal retractor Cottle crusher Dermatology needle holders Electrode coagulation Enucleation scissors Epissiontomy scissor Fergusson mouth gag Forgesy artery forcep Micro needle holder Rampley sponge holding forceps Rib Raspatory adson cerebellar self retaining retractor aspirator suction tube backhaus towel clamp bulldog clamp curved artery forcep
264 images 167 classes 1 model
Actuator with manual actuated partial stroke test device. Actuator with remote actuated partial stroke test device Actuator with side-mounted handwheel. Actuator with top-mounted handwheel. Analyzer Transmitter And Gate Angle Valve Averaging Pitot Tube Backpressure regulator. Ball Valve Behind Control Behind a local Control Bellow Sealed Valve Bellow Spring opposed Actuator Butterfly Valve Check Valve Choke Valve Computer Control Valve Coroilis Flow Sensor
635 images 10 classes 1 model
752 images 7 classes 3 models
283 images 18 classes
spoon clip device-kJ7S pour solution reagent bottle reagent bottle(colorless solution) reagent bottle(limestone) small beaker(colorless solution) sppon test tube (bot)(colorless solution) test tube (bot)(empty) test tube (bot)(limestone) test tube (bot)(muddy solution) test tube (bot)(reaction) test tube (top)(empty) test tube (top)(plug in) test tube (top)(tubing in) test tube rack
128 images 165 classes
black and white hands touching each other black and white hands touching each other [in] bottle on female arm bottle with hand in background female hand with jewelry [in] female hands female hands holding a skincare bottle five hands reaching toward each other four hands holding together four hands reaching to each other glass bottle on female body hand applying cream hand applying cream closeup hand applying cream on shoulder hand applying cream to finger tip hand applying cream to finger tip [in] hand applying cream to finger tip [out] hand applying skincare cream on a wooden stool hand applying skincare cream on a wooden stool [in] hand applying skincare cream on a wooden stool [out]
438 images 5 classes