Related Objects of Interest: stop , no entry , give way , pedestrian crossing , no parking , traffic light , keep right , slippery road , keep left , no overtaking
Top Speed Limit Datasets and Models
The datasets below can be used to train fine-tuned models for speed limit detection. You can explore each dataset in your browser using Roboflow and export the dataset into one of many formats.
At the bottom of this page, we have guides on how to train a model using the speed limit datasets below.
954 images 27 classes 1 model
393 images 55 classes
225 images 33 classes
green light red light stop sign traffic light allow to go forward and turn left allow to turn left allow to turn right crossing line keep distance lane markings no enter no park no stop and park not allow turn left not allow turn right one way signal light speed limit 05 speed limit 10 speed limit 100
1.3k images 42 classes
4.7k images 10 classes
523 images 30 classes 2 models
'Animal-Crossing-Sign' 'Bicycle-Crossing-Sign' 'Do-Not-Enter' 'Hospital-Sign' 'Keep-Left-Sign' 'Keep-Right-Sign' 'Lane-Use-Control' 'Merge-Sign' 'No Left Trun' 'No RightTrun' 'No-Overtaking-Sign' 'No-Parking' 'No-U-Trun-Sign' 'One-Way-Sign' 'Pedestrian-Crossing-Sign' 'Public-Phone' 'Railroad-Crossing' 'Road-Work-Ahead-Sign' 'School-Zone-Sign' 'Slippery-Road-Sign'
1.5k images 43 classes 2 models
animals (danger) bend (danger) bend left (danger) bend right (danger) construction (danger) cycles crossing (danger) danger (danger) give way (other) go left (mandatory) go left or straight (mandatory) go right (mandatory) go right or straight (mandatory) go straight (mandatory) keep left (mandatory) keep right (mandatory) no entry (other) no overtaking (prohibitory) no overtaking (trucks) (prohibitory) no traffic both ways (prohibitory) no trucks (prohibitory)
1.9k images 23 classes
3.8k images 35 classes
Barrier Ahead Bullock And Handcart Prohibited All Motor Vehicle Prohibited Compulsary Ahead Compulsary Keep Left Compulsary Keep Right Compulsary Sound Horn Compulsary Turn Left Compulsary Turn Right Cross Road Cycle Prohibited Give Way Horse Car Prohibited Left Turn Left Turn Prohibited Men At Work Narrow Bridge Narrow Road Ahead No Entry No Heavy Vehicles
468 images 24 classes
green light stop sign 80 speed limit Left arrow green light Left arrow light Left arrow red light Red Light Red person light Traffic light Yellow Light forward green arrow light green bike light green bike sign green person light no passing sign red bike light road narrow sign road split sign road-signs slippery road sign
1.5k images 26 classes
3.7k images 70 classes
green light red light slippery road stop sign traffic light Green person light Red person light aeroport sign both direction road sign both side road narrow bump sign cattle crossing sign children crosswalk sign cliff road sign cycle crossing sign double curve left to right sign double curve right to left sign down road sign end of minimum speed limit: 30 falling rocks sign
3.6k images 8 classes 1 model
1.5k images 43 classes
animals (danger) bend (danger) bend left (danger) bend right (danger) construction (danger) cycles crossing (danger) danger (danger) give way (other) go left (mandatory) go left or straight (mandatory) go right (mandatory) go right or straight (mandatory) go straight (mandatory) keep left (mandatory) keep right (mandatory) no entry (other) no overtaking (prohibitory) no overtaking (trucks) (prohibitory) no traffic both ways (prohibitory) no trucks (prohibitory)
7.3k images 80 classes 1 model
bike bus car motor person rider traffic light traffic sign train truck cross walk information--pedestrians-crossing--g1 information-pedestrians-crossing-g1 not_relevant red not_relevant yellow regulatory--go-straight--g1 regulatory--go-straight-or-turn-left--g1 regulatory--go-straight-or-turn-right--g1 regulatory--keep-left--g1 regulatory--keep-right--g1
135 images 53 classes
2.7k images 120 classes 1 model
Agricultural Vehicles Area Reserved for Buses Axle Load Limit Bus Lane Bus Parking Area Bus Stop Bus Stop Ahead Buses Only Car Park Children Warning Combined Curves Left Cone Signs Cross Road On Priority Road Cross Walk Cross Winds Curve Chevron Cycle Route Ahead Cyclist Only Danger Plate Delineators
122 images 122 classes
All motor vehicles prohibited Animals Axle load limit Barrier Blind persons likely on road ahead Built-up area Bullock cart and hand cart prohibited Bullock cart prohibited Bump Chevron Children Compulsory ahead Compulsory ahead or turn left Compulsory ahead or turn right Compulsory cycle track Compulsory keep left Compulsory minimum speed Compulsory sound horn Compulsory turn left Compulsory turn left ahead
1.6k images 65 classes
1.7k images 17 classes 1 model
1.2k images 19 classes
896 images 28 classes
1.7k images 65 classes 1 model
603 images 8 classes 1 model
142 images 79 classes 1 model
Ahead only Autotoll booth Autotoll traffic lane Bicycle / tricycle route Cross-harbour taxi stand, used with Sign 82 Cycling restriction - cyclists must dismount and push their cycles End of New Territories taxis operating area End of an expressway End of bus lane End of cycling restriction End of the prohibition, restriction or warning End of ʻno stoppingʼ restriction Give way to traffic on major road Green minibus stand Keep left Keep right Lantau taxi stand, used with Sign 82 Left lane shows bus lane for franchised and other buses during the time shown Left lane shows bus lane for franchised buses only during the time shown Length over which the prohibition or hazard exists
1.4k images 7 classes 2 models
122 images 122 classes
All motor vehicles prohibited Animals Axle load limit Barrier Blind persons likely on road ahead Built-up area Bullock cart and hand cart prohibited Bullock cart prohibited Bump Chevron Children Compulsory ahead Compulsory ahead or turn left Compulsory ahead or turn right Compulsory cycle track Compulsory keep left Compulsory minimum speed Compulsory sound horn Compulsory turn left Compulsory turn left ahead