Related Objects of Interest: healthy , rust , yellow , aphids , armyworm , bitter-gourd-downy-mildew , bitter-gourd-jassid , bitter-gourd-leaf-spot , bitter-gourd-nitrogen-and-magnesium-deficiency , bitter-gourd-nitrogen-and-potassium-deficiency
Top Mosaic Computer Vision Models
The models below have been fine-tuned for various mosaic detection tasks. You can try out each model in your browser, or test an edge deployment solution (i.e. to an NVIDIA Jetson). You can use the datasets associated with the models below as a starting point for building your own mosaic detection model.
At the bottom of this page, we have guides on how to count mosaics in images and videos.
1.4k images 27 classes 3 models
grape leaf Apple Scab Leaf Apple leaf Apple rust leaf Bell_pepper leaf Bell_pepper leaf spot Blueberry leaf Cherry leaf Corn Gray leaf spot Corn leaf blight Corn rust leaf Peach leaf Potato leaf early blight Potato leaf late blight Raspberry leaf Soyabean leaf Squash Powdery mildew leaf Strawberry leaf Tomato Early blight leaf Tomato Septoria leaf spot
6.8k images 32 classes 3 models
Aphids Armyworm Bitter-Gourd-Downy-Mildew Bitter-Gourd-Jassid Bitter-Gourd-Leaf-Spot Bitter-Gourd-Nitrogen-Deficiency Bitter-Gourd-Nitrogen-and-Magnesium-Deficiency Bitter-Gourd-Nitrogen-and-Potassium-Deficiency Bitter-Gourd-Potassium-Deficiency Bitter-Gourd-Potassium-and-Magnesium-Deficiency Chili-Bacterial-Spot Chili-Powdery-Mildew Chili-Wilting Earworm Eggplant-Jassid Eggplant-Leaf-Spot Eggplant-Nitrogen-Deficiency Eggplant-Potassium-Deficiency Flea-Beetle's-damage Healthy-Bitter-Gourd
19k images 34 classes 4 models
Aphids Armyworm Bitter-Gourd-Downy-Mildew Bitter-Gourd-Jassid Bitter-Gourd-Leaf-Spot Bitter-Gourd-Nitrogen-Deficiency Bitter-Gourd-Nitrogen-and-Magnesium-Deficiency Bitter-Gourd-Nitrogen-and-Potassium-Deficiency Bitter-Gourd-Potassium-Deficiency Bitter-Gourd-Potassium-and-Magnesium-Deficiency Bollworm Chili-Bacterial-Spot Chili-Powdery-Mildew Chili-Wilting Earworm Eggplant-Jassid Eggplant-Leaf-Spot Eggplant-Nitrogen-Deficiency Eggplant-Potassium-Deficiency Flea-Beetle's-damage
1k images 4 classes 1 model
36 images 6 classes 1 model
4.5k images 9 classes 2 models
925 images 8 classes 1 model