Top 109 Datasets and Models
The datasets below can be used to train fine-tuned models for 109 detection. You can explore each dataset in your browser using Roboflow and export the dataset into one of many formats.
At the bottom of this page, we have guides on how to train a model using the 109 datasets below.
27 images 105 classes
39 images 3296 classes
"capacitor jumper" CJ1 "capacitor jumper" CJ2 "component text" "-309 LL6" "component text" "0 N" "component text" "0001 5293 170A" "component text" "021 LDBM N389" "component text" "0821-1X1T-43-F 1402 WM" "component text" "0833 LTC2274 UJ BT267910" "component text" "085811 B4T EHCR" "component text" "0N 5C" "component text" "1 2 3 4" "component text" "1 2" "component text" "100 CFK 7BD" "component text" "100 CFK- 7BD" "component text" "100 VFK- 87" "component text" "100 VFK- 8R7" "component text" "106C 43JJ2" "component text" "107A 938H4" "component text" "12-000" "component text" "15 203"
45 images 186 classes
0 알수없음 1 비알 베리베리스트로베리 미니웨하스 100g 10 로아커웨하스바닐라125g 100 오리온 초코파이 바나나 444g 102 (G)이태리콜루시크래커250g 103 (G)이태리콜루시통밀크래커250g 104 청우 그랑쉘사과195g 105 청우그랑쉘얼그레이자몽190g 106 청우 델로스오리지날315g 107 청우델로스카푸치노쿠키315g 108 청우 두부스틱220g 109 청우 마렝고105g 11 로아커웨하스 코코아&밀크 125g 110 청우브루느와 브라우니쿠키165g 111 청우 아꾸뿔레102g 112 청우)쫀득초코칩240g 113 청우 찰떡쿠키오리지날215g 114 청우참깨스틱220g 115 청우 초코파이찰떡 215g 116 청우 플랑 딸기 160g
51 images 1088 classes 5 models
capacitor "capacitor jumper" CJ1 "capacitor jumper" CJ2 "component text" "021 LDBM N389" "component text" "0833 LTC2274 UJ BT267910" "component text" "0N 5C" "component text" "1 2 3 4" "component text" "107A 938H4" "component text" "2-2uH 141ANC" "component text" "2-2uH 1514NC" "component text" "476A 939J2" "component text" "687 6K 206" "component text" "HY911130A 1550" "component text" "LTDQP 0HB2 e3" "component text" "O N O J" "component text" "PN:MYS-7Z020-C SN:MM0302533" "component text" "R12-0 OUSJ" "component text" "T250 Mm3F" "component text" "XILINX ZYNQTM XC7Z020TM CL6400ACX1517 05061945A 1C TAIWAN NKB822 00-00" "component text" +
38 images 116 classes