Related Objects of Interest: rice , beans , burger , curry , french fries , fried chicken , bread , beijing beef , crispy corn , fried rice
2.5k images 30 classes 1 model
grape leaf healthy Apple Scab Leaf Apple leaf Apple rust leaf Bell_pepper leaf spot Blueberry leaf Cherry leaf Corn Gray leaf spot Corn leaf blight Corn rust leaf Peach leaf Pepper Potato leaf Potato leaf early blight Potato leaf late blight Raspberry leaf Soyabean leaf Soybean leaf Squash Powdery mildew leaf
2.6k images 32 classes
grape leaf healthy Apple Scab Leaf Apple leaf Bell_pepper leaf spot Blueberry leaf Corn Gray leaf spot Corn leaf blight Corn rust leaf Healthy Leaf Peach leaf Pepper Potato leaf Potato leaf early blight Potato leaf late blight Raspberry - Healthy Rust Tomato Early blight leaf Tomato leaf Tomato leaf bacterial spot
200 images 35 classes
7.5k images 28 classes 1 model
Apple - Cedar Apple Rust Apple - Frog Eye Spot Apple - Healthy Apple - Scab Cherry - Healthy Cherry - Powdery Mildew Grape - Black Measles Fungus Grape - Black Rot Fungus Grape - Healthy Grape - Leaf Blight Fungus Peach - Bacterial Spot Peach - Healthy Pepper - Bacterial Spot Pepper - Healthy Potato - Early Blight Fungus Potato - Healthy Potato - Late Blight Fungus Strawberry - Healthy Strawberry - Scorch Tomato - Bacterial Spot
1.6k images 24 classes 1 model
37 images 32 classes
burger rice AW cola Beijing Beef Fried Rice Hashbrown Honey Walnut Shrimp Kung Pao Chicken String Bean Chicken Breast Super Greens The Original Orange Chicken White Steamed Rice black pepper rice bowl carrot_eggs cheese burger chicken waffle chicken_nuggets chinese_cabbage chinese_sausage crispy corn
66k images 64 classes 2 models
Apple black rot Apple cedar rust Apple healthy Apple scab Basil Cercospora leaf spot Basil Downy Mildew Basil Fusarium Wilt Bell pepper bacterial_spot Bell pepper healthy Blueberry healthy Cassava bacterial blight Cassava brown leaf spot Cassava healthy Cassava mosaic Cassava root rot Cherry healthy Cherry powdery mildew Cilantro-Bacterial Leaf Spot Cilantro-Blue Spot Citrus haunglongbing
9.8k images 36 classes
3.5k images 36 classes
3.5k images 36 classes
6.7k images 36 classes
2.6k images 192 classes 2 models
9.8k images 145 classes
Aloevera-Aloe barbadensis Amaranthus Green_Amaranthus viridis Amaranthus Red_Amaranthus tricolor Amla-Phyllanthus emlica Linn Amruta Balli-Tinospora cordifolia Arali-Nerium oleander Arive_Dantu_Amaranthus viridis Ashoka-Saraca asoca Ashwagandha_Withania somnifera Asthma plant_Euphorbia hirta Astma_weed Avacado_Persea americana Avaram_Senna auriculata Badipala Balloon vine_Cardiospermum halicacabum Bamboo-Bambusoideae Basale_Basella alba Beans-Vigna spp. (Genus) or Phaseolus spp. (Genus) Bellyache bush (Green)_Jatropha gossypiifolia Benghal dayflower_ Commelina benghalensis
3.8k images 136 classes
A piece of lime Air Dried Striploin Steak - Canadian Lobster Airdried Charcoal Tomahawk American breakfast Anchovies Pizza Anchovies in half Angus striploin steak Asparagus Avo toast - poached egg Avocado cut Bacon Baked Chicken with ham - mozzarella cheese Baked Potato Baked bean Beef Striploin Salad Beetroot Bell pepper sliced Breakfast stack Burrata cheese Canadian Lobster
2.6k images 31 classes 1 model
grape leaf healthy Apple Scab Leaf Apple leaf Apple rust leaf Bell_pepper leaf spot Blueberry leaf Corn Gray leaf spot Corn leaf blight Corn rust leaf Peach leaf Pepper Potato leaf Potato leaf early blight Potato leaf late blight Raspberry leaf Soyabean leaf Squash Powdery mildew leaf Strawberry leaf Tomato Early blight leaf
3.5k images 36 classes
4.7k images 1541 classes 2 models
ALphonsoMangoPulp_GoldenCrown Aakash Aarambh Aashirvaad Aashirvaad_Besan Aashirvaad_TurmericPowder Abzorb AcaciaHoney_KhushNuma Action_Dishwash_Liquid ActiveSaltNeem_Toothpaste_Colgate ActiveSalt_Toothpaste_Colgate Agarbathi_Bansuri Agarbathi_Cycle Agarbatti_SalShakti Agastya Agrawal AirFreshner AllOut Almendro AlmondFlour_Granos
13k images 115 classes
apple black rot apple mosaic virus apple rust apple scab banana anthracnose banana black leaf streak banana bunchy top banana cigar end rot banana cordana leaf spot banana panama disease basil downy mildew bean halo blight bean mosaic virus bean rust bell pepper bacterial spot bell pepper blossom end rot bell pepper frogeye leaf spot bell pepper powdery mildew blueberry anthracnose blueberry botrytis blight
4.7k images 1541 classes
ALphonsoMangoPulp_GoldenCrown Aakash Aarambh Aashirvaad Aashirvaad_Besan Aashirvaad_TurmericPowder Abzorb AcaciaHoney_KhushNuma Action_Dishwash_Liquid ActiveSaltNeem_Toothpaste_Colgate ActiveSalt_Toothpaste_Colgate Agarbathi_Bansuri Agarbathi_Cycle Agarbatti_SalShakti Agastya Agrawal AirFreshner AllOut Almendro AlmondFlour_Granos