Related Objects of Interest: person , car , no parking , stop sign , no entry , priority road , yield , pedestrian , keep left , keep right
Top Stop Computer Vision Models
The models below have been fine-tuned for various stop detection tasks. You can try out each model in your browser, or test an edge deployment solution (i.e. to an NVIDIA Jetson). You can use the datasets associated with the models below as a starting point for building your own stop detection model.
At the bottom of this page, we have guides on how to count stops in images and videos.
1.9k images 12 classes 1 model
673 images 136 classes 8 models
148 images 41 classes 1 model
speaker 24V-power-cord acousto-optic-alarm area-display bus-isolation-module coded-smoke-detector coded-temperature-detector dedicated-metal-module-box-for-fire-pump dedicated-metal-module-box-for-fire-smoke-exhaust-fan dedicated-metal-module-box-for-fire-supplementary-fan deflation-indicator-light electrical-fire-monitoring-line emergency-manual-start/stop-button explosion-proof-smoke-detector fire-broadcasting-line fire-equipment-power-monitoring-line fire-fan-manual-control-line fire-hydrant-button fire-telephone-extension fire-water-pump-manual-control-line
1.5k images 10 classes 1 model
2.9k images 44 classes 3 models
Ahead only Beware of ice-snow Bicycles crossing Bumpy road Children crossing Dangerous curve to the left Dangerous curve to the right Double curve End of all speed and passing limits End of no passing End of no passing by vehicles over 3 End of no passing by vehicles over 3.5 metric tons End of speed limit -80 km-h- General caution Go straight or left Go straight or right Keep left Keep right No entry No passing
7.5k images 82 classes 7 models
1.6k images 48 classes 1 model
no entry slippery road stop traffic signal ahead only beaware of icesnow bumpy road bycycle crossing children crossing dangerous curve left dangerous curve right double curve end no passingveh3.5 tons end no passingveh3.5 tons is prohipted end ofno passing general caution go stright or left go stright or right keep left keep right
3.1k images 13 classes 2 models
4.3k images 8 classes 3 models
2.2k images 43 classes 2 models
671 images 9 classes 2 models
1.6k images 37 classes 2 models
1.6k images 11 classes 1 model
224 images 9 classes 1 model
1.4k images 51 classes 1 model
bus car person truck Ahead_only Beware_of_ice_snow Bicycles_crossing Bumpy_road Children_crossing Dangerous_curve_to_the_left Dangerous_curve_to_the_right Double_curve End_of_all_speed_and_passing_limits End_of_no_passing End_of_no_passing_by_vehicles_over_3_5_metric_tons End_of_speed_limit_80_km_h General_caution Go_straight_or_left Go_straight_or_right Green_light_traffic_light
920 images 15 classes 1 model
1.5k images 18 classes 1 model
2.7k images 9 classes 1 model
1k images 20 classes 3 models
Area Penyebrangan Area Perhentian Bus Awas Longsor Banyak Tikungan Belok Kanan Belok Kiri Dilarang Belok Kanan Dilarang Belok Kiri Dilarang Berhenti (Stop) Dilarang Masuk Dilarang Parkir Dilarang Putar Balik Jalan Buntu Jalan Licin Jembatan Kecepatan Maksimal Kurangi Kecepatan Banyak Anak-anak Tanjakan Turunan Wajib Mengikuti Arah Bundaran
266 images 10 classes 2 models
1.5k images 7 classes 1 model
7.9k images 10 classes 1 model
1.5k images 47 classes 1 model
5.5k images 10 classes 2 models
1k images 9 classes 1 model