Top Rust Datasets and Models
The datasets below can be used to train fine-tuned models for rust detection. You can explore each dataset in your browser using Roboflow and export the dataset into one of many formats.
At the bottom of this page, we have guides on how to train a model using the rust datasets below. To learn more about defect detection with computer vision, check out the following resources:
2.9k images 11 classes 2 models
7.2k images 29 classes 3 models
Rice_bacterial_Blight Rice_brown_spot Sugarcane-Healthy Sugarcane-Mosaic Sugarcane-Moscai Sugarcane-RedRot Sugarcane-Rust Sugarcane-yellow Wheat-Healthy Wheat-stripe-rust bellpepper_bacterialspot bellpepper_healthy plant-disease-identification potato_earlyblight potato_healthy potato_late_blight rice_healthy rice_tungro tomato_bacterial_spot tomato_early_blight
223 images 7 classes 1 model
5.3k images 14 classes 2 models
1.5k images 3 classes 1 model
358 images 4 classes 2 models
1.1k images 21 classes
Alocasia-Green-Velvet-(Micholitziana-Frydek) Aloe-Vera-(Aloe-barbadensis) Inch-Plant-(Tradescantia-zebrina) Philippine-Evergreen-(Aglaonema-Commutatum) Pothos-(Epipremnum-aureum) Rubber-Fig-(Ficus-Elastica) Snake-Plant-(Dracaena-trifasciata) Spear-Plant-(Dracaena-angolensis) Spider-Plant-(Chloropythum-Comosum) Swiss Cheese Plant (Monstera Deliciosa) Unhealthy---Anthracnose Unhealthy---Bacterial-Spot Unhealthy---Dehydration Unhealthy---Late-Blight Unhealthy---Leaf-Curl Unhealthy---Mineral-Deficiency Unhealthy---Overwatering Unhealthy---Powdery-Mildew Unhealthy---Rust Unhealthy---Sunburn
162 images 6 classes 1 model
1.8k images 5 classes 1 model
162 images 6 classes 1 model
3.2k images 4 classes 1 model
3.1k images 6 classes 1 model
4.3k images 9 classes
500 images 6 classes 3 models
467 images 6 classes 1 model
5.9k images 8 classes
2.7k images 38 classes
AppleApple scab AppleBlack rot AppleCedar apple rust Applehealthy Blueberryhealthy Cherry (including sour) healthy Cherry(including sour) Powdery mildew Corn (maize) Common rust Corn (maize) Northern Leaf Blight Corn(maize) Cercospora leaf spot Gray leaf spot Corn(maize) healthy Grape_Black_rot Grape_Esca(Black_Measles) Grape_Healthy Grape_Leaf_Blight(Isariopsis_Leaf_Spot) Orange_Haunglongbing(Citrus_greening) Peach_Bacterial_Spot Peach_Healthy Pepper_bell_Bacterial_Spot Pepper_bell_healthy
2.7k images 4 classes 1 model