Related Objects of Interest: motor cycle , microbus , big bus , medium truck , small truck , pickup/4 wheeler , private car/sedan car , trailer truck , heavy truck , minibus/coaster
1k images 11 classes 1 model
3.8k images 35 classes
Barrier Ahead Bullock And Handcart Prohibited All Motor Vehicle Prohibited Compulsary Ahead Compulsary Keep Left Compulsary Keep Right Compulsary Sound Horn Compulsary Turn Left Compulsary Turn Right Cross Road Cycle Prohibited Give Way Horse Car Prohibited Left Turn Left Turn Prohibited Men At Work Narrow Bridge Narrow Road Ahead No Entry No Heavy Vehicles
924 images 6 classes
122 images 122 classes
All motor vehicles prohibited Animals Axle load limit Barrier Blind persons likely on road ahead Built-up area Bullock cart and hand cart prohibited Bullock cart prohibited Bump Chevron Children Compulsory ahead Compulsory ahead or turn left Compulsory ahead or turn right Compulsory cycle track Compulsory keep left Compulsory minimum speed Compulsory sound horn Compulsory turn left Compulsory turn left ahead
114 images 8 classes
122 images 122 classes
All motor vehicles prohibited Animals Axle load limit Barrier Blind persons likely on road ahead Built-up area Bullock cart and hand cart prohibited Bullock cart prohibited Bump Chevron Children Compulsory ahead Compulsory ahead or turn left Compulsory ahead or turn right Compulsory cycle track Compulsory keep left Compulsory minimum speed Compulsory sound horn Compulsory turn left Compulsory turn left ahead
72 images 13 classes 1 model
265 images 7 classes
29 images 7 classes