Related Objects of Interest: stop , roundabout , slippery road , uneven road , parking , boîte en carton de taille moyenne , main droite , main gauche , poivron rouge , poivron vert
Top Main Datasets and Models
The datasets below can be used to train fine-tuned models for main detection. You can explore each dataset in your browser using Roboflow and export the dataset into one of many formats.
At the bottom of this page, we have guides on how to train a model using the main datasets below.
156 images 22 classes 13 models
264 images 167 classes 1 model
Actuator with manual actuated partial stroke test device. Actuator with remote actuated partial stroke test device Actuator with side-mounted handwheel. Actuator with top-mounted handwheel. Analyzer Transmitter And Gate Angle Valve Averaging Pitot Tube Backpressure regulator. Ball Valve Behind Control Behind a local Control Bellow Sealed Valve Bellow Spring opposed Actuator Butterfly Valve Check Valve Choke Valve Computer Control Valve Coroilis Flow Sensor
129 images 4 classes 2 models
27 images 8 classes
790 images 38 classes 1 model
Acacia_dealbata Acanthocereus_tetragonus Acanthus_mollis Ailanthus_altissima Aloe_maculata Aloysia_citrodora Artemisia_annua Asparagus_acutifolius Bache en plastique Broussonetia_papyrifera Butia_capitata Celtis_australis Cercis siliquastrum Cercis_siliquastrum Chenopodium_album_agg Ficus_carica Hedera_helix Koelreuteria_paniculata Laurus_nobilis Ligustrum_lucidum
40 images 65 classes
84 images 41 classes
30km/h-Hız-Limiti-(Speed-limit) 4.80-m-den-Yüksek-Araç-giremez-(Vehicle-higher-than-4.80-m-cannot-enter) 50km/h-Hız-Limiti-(Speed-limit) 60km/h-Hız-Limiti-(Speed-limit) 70km/h-Hız-Limiti-(Speed-limit) 90km/h-Hız-Limiti-(Speed-limit) Bir-Sonraki-Kavşakta-Geçiş-Hakkı-(Right-of-way-at-the-next-intersection) Buzlanma-(Beware-of-ice/snow) Dur-(Stop) Duraklamak-ve-Parketmek-Yasaktır-(No-stopping-and-parking) Düz-veya-Sağa-Gidiş-(Go-straight-or-right) Düz-veya-Sola-Gidiş-(Go-straight-or-left) EDS Ehli-Hayvan-Geçebilir-(Animal-crossing) Engebeli-Yol-(Bumpy-road) Eğimli-Yol-(Slope) Genel-Uyarı-(General-caution) Gevşek-Malzemeli-Yol-(Loose-Material-Road) Gevşek-Yamaç-(Loose-Slope) Geçiş-Yasağı-(No-passing)
612 images 6 classes 1 model
977 images 27 classes 1 model
parking stair BoyHostel BoyHostel-canteen BoyHostel-lift BoyHostel-parking BoyHostel-wardenroom Boyhostal Boyhostal-notice-board Boyhostal-powerroom Boyhostal-stair Boyhostal-washroom Boyhostal-window Civil-department Girls-Hostel Main-Building UIM USCS University Aerospace Department University-front
331 images 43 classes
68 images 23 classes
3 Bus Parking Here CCTV CCTV Ahead Company Name Listing CrossRoad Destination Information Sign Intersection AheadEntry Exit of Construction Vehicle Keep right side Left Lane Green Light Left Lane Red Light Left Lane Yellow Light Maximum weight 49 Ton Maximum weight per axle 14 Ton No Honking during Changing Lane Overbridge Height 5 Feet Speed Limit 60 Straight Lane Green Light Strictly Prohibited to Block Left Main Lane Traffic Green Light
961 images 41 classes
Give-Priority Hospital Parking-area Parking-or-Stopping-Prohibited Passing-Prohibited Stop-Sign Turn-Left-Prohibited Turn-Right-Prohibited U-turn-Prohibited crosswalk-ahead dead-end intersection-of-main-route-and-sub-route-from-the-left intersection-of-main-route-and-sub-route-from-the-right main-route-ahead main-route-and-sub-route-intersection mandatory-Direction-to-the-Left-Side mandatory-Forward-Direction mandatory-Left-Turn mandatory-Right-Turn mandatory-Turn-Right-or-Left
9.5k images 27 classes
0-20kmph speed limit 1-30kmph speed limit 2-50kmph-speed-limit 3-60kmph-speed-limit 4-70kmph-speed-limit 5-80kmph-speed-limit 6-80kmph-speed-limit-end 7-100kmph-speed-limit 8-120kmph-speed-limit 9-No-passing A-No-passing-trucks B-Right-of-way-at-next-intersection C-Main-road D-Yield E-stop F-No-vehicles G-No-truck H-No-entry I-General-caution J-Dangerous-curve-left
355 images 13 classes
156 images 2 classes 2 models
199 images 10 classes
328 images 5 classes
1.6k images 43 classes 1 model
30km_h Hiz Limiti (Speed limit) 4_80 m den Yuksek Arac giremez (Vehicle higher than 4_80 m cannot enter) 50km_h Hiz Limiti (Speed limit) 60km_h Hiz Limiti (Speed limit) 70km_h Hiz Limiti (Speed limit) 90km_h Hiz Limiti (Speed limit) Bir Sonraki Kavsakta Gecis Hakki (Right-of-way at the next intersection) Buzlanma (Beware of ice-snow) Dur (Stop) Duraklamak ve Parketmek Yasaktir (No, stoping and parking) Duz veya Saga Gidis (Go straight or right) Duz veya Sola Gidis (Go straight or left) EDS Egimli Yol (Slop) Ehli Hayvan Gecebilir (Animal crossing) Engebeli Yol (Bumpy road) Gecis Sonu (End of no passing) Gecis Yasagi (No passing) Gecis Yasagi Sonu (End of no passing) Genel Uyari (General caution)
161 images 24 classes