Related Objects of Interest: stop , parking , bus stop , roundabout , no parking , pedestrian crossing , go slow , hospital bed , school , danger
Top Hospital Datasets and Models
The datasets below can be used to train fine-tuned models for hospital detection. You can explore each dataset in your browser using Roboflow and export the dataset into one of many formats.
At the bottom of this page, we have guides on how to train a model using the hospital datasets below.
469 images 53 classes
2.4k images 12 classes 1 model
946 images 28 classes 1 model
946 images 28 classes
151 images 11 classes 2 models
480 images 12 classes 1 model
1.9k images 7 classes
523 images 30 classes 2 models
'Animal-Crossing-Sign' 'Bicycle-Crossing-Sign' 'Do-Not-Enter' 'Hospital-Sign' 'Keep-Left-Sign' 'Keep-Right-Sign' 'Lane-Use-Control' 'Merge-Sign' 'No Left Trun' 'No RightTrun' 'No-Overtaking-Sign' 'No-Parking' 'No-U-Trun-Sign' 'One-Way-Sign' 'Pedestrian-Crossing-Sign' 'Public-Phone' 'Railroad-Crossing' 'Road-Work-Ahead-Sign' 'School-Zone-Sign' 'Slippery-Road-Sign'
3.7k images 70 classes
green light red light slippery road stop sign traffic light Green person light Red person light aeroport sign both direction road sign both side road narrow bump sign cattle crossing sign children crosswalk sign cliff road sign cycle crossing sign double curve left to right sign double curve right to left sign down road sign end of minimum speed limit: 30 falling rocks sign
873 images 8 classes 1 model
1.6k images 65 classes
127 images 44 classes
1.2k images 19 classes
896 images 28 classes
127 images 44 classes
127 images 44 classes
659 images 11 classes 1 model
418 images 9 classes
961 images 41 classes
Give-Priority Hospital Parking-area Parking-or-Stopping-Prohibited Passing-Prohibited Stop-Sign Turn-Left-Prohibited Turn-Right-Prohibited U-turn-Prohibited crosswalk-ahead dead-end intersection-of-main-route-and-sub-route-from-the-left intersection-of-main-route-and-sub-route-from-the-right main-route-ahead main-route-and-sub-route-intersection mandatory-Direction-to-the-Left-Side mandatory-Forward-Direction mandatory-Left-Turn mandatory-Right-Turn mandatory-Turn-Right-or-Left