Related Objects of Interest: good , bullet-black fungus , energy-5-black fungus , ganga-black fungus , crack , defects-black spots , defects-holes , damage , healthy , ba-impetigo
Top Fungus Datasets and Models
The datasets below can be used to train fine-tuned models for fungus detection. You can explore each dataset in your browser using Roboflow and export the dataset into one of many formats.
At the bottom of this page, we have guides on how to train a model using the fungus datasets below.
240 images 3 classes
31 images 4 classes
2.3k images 31 classes
355-Curling 555-Bobbara 555-Gemini 555-White fly 696-Curling 999-Gemini Arumuru-Curling Arumuru-Gemini Badiga-Gemini Bangaram-Curling Bullet-Black fungus Bullet-Curling Charkolu-Bobbara Energy-5-Black fungus Energy-5-Curling G-5-Curling Ganga-Black fungus Ganga-Curling Kalyani-Curling Kalyani-White fly
695 images 5 classes 1 model
165 images 8 classes 1 model
100 images 3 classes 1 model
8.3k images 23 classes
Allergic Contact Dermatitis Alopecia Bacterial Skin Infections Bullous Disease Cutaneous Eruptions Eczema Herpes-simplex-virus Lumps / Connective tissue diseases Melanocytic lesions Melasma Non-Melanoma Skin Cancer Onychomycosis - Nail Fungus Psoriasis Ringworm Scabies Lyme / Parasistic Infections Seborrheic Keratoses Systemic Disease Urticaria Hives Vascular Tumors Vasculitis
392 images 5 classes 3 models
1.6k images 48 classes
753 images 15 classes 1 model
2.1k images 31 classes
355-Curling 555-Bobbara 555-Gemini 555-White fly 696-Curling 999-Gemini Arumuru-Curling Arumuru-Gemini Badiga-Gemini Bangaram-Curling Bullet-Black fungus Bullet-Curling Charkolu-Bobbara Energy-5-Black fungus Energy-5-Curling G-5-Curling Ganga-Black fungus Ganga-Curling Kalyani-Curling Kalyani-White fly
174 images 21 classes 1 model
BoiledChoppedChicken BoiledOkra BoiledPumpkin BraisedChickenLeg BraisedFriedTofuwithsoysauce BraisedMilkFish BraisedPorkBellywithsoysauce Braisedpigtrotterswithsoysauce ChoppedChicken StirFriedBeanSprout StirFriedBlack Fungus StirFriedBroccoli StirFriedCabbage StirFriedCarrot StirFriedChineseCabbage StirFriedChineseMustardGreen StirFriedEggplant StirFriedGreenBitterMelon StirFriedKelpBuds StirFriedLongBean
1.4k images 7 classes
264 images 6 classes
7.5k images 28 classes 1 model
Apple - Cedar Apple Rust Apple - Frog Eye Spot Apple - Healthy Apple - Scab Cherry - Healthy Cherry - Powdery Mildew Grape - Black Measles Fungus Grape - Black Rot Fungus Grape - Healthy Grape - Leaf Blight Fungus Peach - Bacterial Spot Peach - Healthy Pepper - Bacterial Spot Pepper - Healthy Potato - Early Blight Fungus Potato - Healthy Potato - Late Blight Fungus Strawberry - Healthy Strawberry - Scorch Tomato - Bacterial Spot
4.1k images 23 classes
Acne and Rosacea Photos Actinic Keratosis Basal Cell Carcinoma and other Malignant Lesions Atopic Dermatitis Photos Bullous Disease Photos Cellulitis Impetigo and other Bacterial Infections Eczema Photos Exanthems and Drug Eruptions Hair Loss Photos Alopecia and other Hair Diseases Herpes HPV and other STDs Photos Light Diseases and Disorders of Pigmentation Lupus and other Connective Tissue diseases Melanoma Skin Cancer Nevi and Moles Nail Fungus and other Nail Disease Poison Ivy Photos and other Contact Dermatitis Psoriasis pictures Lichen Planus and related diseases Scabies Lyme Disease and other Infestations and Bites Seborrheic Keratoses and other Benign Tumors Systemic Disease Tinea Ringworm Candidiasis and other Fungal Infections Urticaria Hives
1.9k images 17 classes
68 images 23 classes
876 images 5 classes 1 model