Related Objects of Interest: fish , starfish , jellyfish , turtle , corals , cuttlefish , echinus , holothurian , scallop , balistes capriscus
Top Diver Datasets and Models
The datasets below can be used to train fine-tuned models for diver detection. You can explore each dataset in your browser using Roboflow and export the dataset into one of many formats.
At the bottom of this page, we have guides on how to train a model using the diver datasets below.
2.2k images 27 classes
Apogon sp Balistes capriscus Chromis chromis Coris julis Dentex dentex Diplodus annularis Diplodus cervinus Diplodus puntazzo Diplodus sargus Diplodus sp Diplodus ssp Diplodus vulgaris Diver Epinephelus costae Epinephelus spp Mullus surmuletus Muraena helena Myliobatis ssp Oblada melanura Octopus Vulgaris
9.5k images 10 classes
289 images 10 classes 1 model
4.7k images 73 classes
Aetomylaeus bovinus Afish poly Apogon imberbis Balistes capriscus Chromis chromis Chromis chromis (alev-) Chromis chromis (back) Chrysaora hysoscella Coris julis Delphinus (dead) Dentex dentex Dentex dentex (back) Dentex dentex (color-) Dentex dentex (night) Diplodus annularis Diplodus cervinus Diplodus cervinus (alev-) Diplodus puntazzo Diplodus sargus Diplodus sargus (back)
3.1k images 55 classes
Aetomylaeus bovinus Apogon imberbis Balistes capriscus Chromis chromis Chromis chromis (alev-) Chromis chromis (back) Chrysaora hysoscella Coris julis Delphinus (dead) Dentex dentex Dentex dentex (back) Dentex dentex (color-) Dentex dentex (night) Diplodus annularis Diplodus cervinus Diplodus cervinus (alev-) Diplodus puntazzo Diplodus sargus Diplodus sargus (back) Diplodus sargus (night)
9.4k images 10 classes
1.8k images 2 classes