Top Display Datasets and Models
The datasets below can be used to train fine-tuned models for display detection. You can explore each dataset in your browser using Roboflow and export the dataset into one of many formats.
At the bottom of this page, we have guides on how to train a model using the display datasets below.
788 images 34 classes 1 model
1.1k images 112 classes 6 models
neutral biaviet-billboard biaviet-bottle biaviet-can biaviet-carton biaviet-crate biaviet-display-stand biaviet-fridge biaviet-ice-box biaviet-ice-bucket biaviet-logo biaviet-parasol biaviet-poster biaviet-promotion-girl biaviet-standee biaviet-tent-card bivina-billboard bivina-bottle bivina-can bivina-carton
543 images 68 classes
562 images 67 classes
3.3k images 27 classes 1 model
188 images 16 classes
32GB Micro SD Card with NOOBS A3A05 Grove - LED Grove - OLED Display 112 Grove - Sound Sensor Grove - Temperature Humidity Sensor Grove - Touch Sensor Grove - Water Sensor GrovePi+ HDMI To VGA Cable Adapter ProsKit MT-1210 Compact Digital Multimeter Push Button Raspberry Pi Resistor Seeed Studio Line Finder v11 Grove System Solderless Breadboard Electronic Transistor
766 images 22 classes 1 model
2.6k images 47 classes 1 model
236 images 11 classes
2.4k images 30 classes 1 model