Top More Computer Vision Models
The models below have been fine-tuned for various more detection tasks. You can try out each model in your browser, or test an edge deployment solution (i.e. to an NVIDIA Jetson). You can use the datasets associated with the models below as a starting point for building your own more detection model.
At the bottom of this page, we have guides on how to count mores in images and videos.
118 images 75 classes 1 model
664 images 61 classes 2 models
text aauto-icon-calendar aauto-icon-customize aauto-icon-discord aauto-icon-exit aauto-icon-game aauto-icon-go_back aauto-icon-google-news aauto-icon-google-podcast aauto-icon-list-down aauto-icon-list-up aauto-icon-maps aauto-icon-menu-app_list aauto-icon-menu-home_grid aauto-icon-messager aauto-icon-messages aauto-icon-phone aauto-icon-phone-accept_call aauto-icon-phone-active_call aauto-icon-phone-contact
665 images 60 classes 1 model
aauto-icon-calendar aauto-icon-customize aauto-icon-discord aauto-icon-exit aauto-icon-game aauto-icon-go_back aauto-icon-google-news aauto-icon-google-podcast aauto-icon-list-down aauto-icon-list-up aauto-icon-maps aauto-icon-menu-app_list aauto-icon-menu-home_grid aauto-icon-messager aauto-icon-messages aauto-icon-phone aauto-icon-phone-accept_call aauto-icon-phone-active_call aauto-icon-phone-contact aauto-icon-phone-contacts
3.3k images 5 classes 2 models
454 images 1 class 1 model
1.6k images 96 classes 2 models
2.2k images 12 classes 1 model
204 images 5 classes 1 model
955 images 4 classes 3 models
510 images 10 classes 1 model
511 images 4 classes 1 model
217 images 10 classes 1 model
26 images 12 classes 1 model
75 images 3 classes 1 model
264 images 9 classes 1 model
264 images 9 classes 1 model
60 images 50 classes 1 model
Bad road surface Cattle on the road. Children Children Walking Crossing for pedestrians Crossroad side roads on the left and right Crossroad with a side road on the left Crossroad with side road on the right. Curve to the right Danger with no specific traffic sign. Deer on the road or unsafe for animal Dip in the road Double Curve Falling rocks Give away Give way Limited height Loose chippings on the road surface Low-flying aircrafts. Narrowing on the left
8.2k images 3 classes 1 model
391 images 13 classes 1 model
(A-4) Simple gap between concrete units with no movement of the wall (E-1)One concrete unit extracted- (E-2)More than one concrete unit extracted- (F-1)One concrete unit out of layer- (F-2)More than one concrete unit out of layer- (G-1)Concrete units need to be rearranged- ArrangementG-1 Gap A-3 Gap A-4 More than one cracked concrete unit One concrete unit out of layer- cracked D-3 disintegrated D-6
1.5k images 74 classes 1 model
1.2k images 3 classes 1 model