Top Bass Datasets and Models
The datasets below can be used to train fine-tuned models for bass detection. You can explore each dataset in your browser using Roboflow and export the dataset into one of many formats.
At the bottom of this page, we have guides on how to train a model using the bass datasets below.
4.7k images 142 classes
Auxis rochei EXTRA Auxis rochei stade A Auxis rochei stade B Balistes capriscus EXTRA Balistes capriscus stade A Balistes capriscus stade B Belone belone EXTRA Belone belone stade A Belone belone stade B Boops boops stade A Boops boops stade B Boops boops stade C Coryphaena hippurus EXTRA Coryphaena hippurus stade A Coryphaena hippurus stade B Dentex dentex EXTRA Dentex dentex stade A Dentex dentex stade B Dentex gibbosus EXTRA Dentex gibbosus stade A
9k images 9 classes 1 model
4.6k images 10 classes 1 model
172 images 31 classes 1 model
987 images 5 classes
651 images 39 classes 1 model
target abiding angelfish aizen medaka akai maou betta bitter pufferfish blazing heartfeather bass brown shirakodai crystalfish dawncatcher divda ray formalo ray glaze medaka golden koi halcyon jade axe marlin lazurite axe marlin lunged stickleback maintenance mek- gold leader maintenance mek- initial configuration maintenance mek- platinum collection
7.2k images 34 classes 2 models
starfish Abramis brama Acipenseridae Anguilla anguilla Aspius aspius Barbus barbus Black Sea Sprat Blicca bjoerkna Carassius carassius Carassius gibelio Ctenopharyngodon idella Cyprinus carpio Esox lucius Gasterosteus aculeatus Gobio gobio Gymnocephalus cernuus Hourse-Mackerel Lepomis gibbosus Leuciscus cephalus Leuciscus idus
956 images 9 classes 3 models
379 images 8 classes 2 models
1.1k images 5 classes
87 images 6 classes